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Capcom is raising its average employee base salary by 30 Percent

On March 30th, Capcom announced a 30 percent increase in an employee's average salary as well as a new bonus structure that is tied to the company's current business structure. The company also announced that it will be establishing a new Chief Human Resources Officer role.

According to Capcom's website with a recent press release, "Driven by its philosophy of being a Creator of Entertainment Culture that Stimulates Your Senses, Capcom will work to address the issues facing our society while aiming to improve its corporate value and establish a relationship of trust with employees and stakeholders."

Capcom will also be improving and increasing individual employee performance review processes and its training programs moving forward. The company will also be reorganized with four departments to continue creating great AA titles.

"Specifically, Capcom will build a structure that facilitates communication between management and employees through the lateral coordination of (1) the R&D Human Resources Department, which will handle personnel matters for the Development Divisions, (2) the Health and Productivity Management Department, which will specialize in activities such as work environment improvements and strengthening communication with employees, (3) the People Strategy Team of the Corporate Planning Department, and (4) the Human Resources Department, all of which will work under the direction of the newly established Chief Human Resources Officer (CHO). With this structure, Capcom will work to bolster productivity by further providing a comfortable workplace environment for employees and driving forward its personnel acquisition and training activities."

The company hopes these changes will be beneficial for the new future.



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